> There are some interesting comments to this post; not unexpectedly,
> reflecting (for one example) Greg Keogh’s reticence in adopting it at its
> cost for effective development by in dependent developers. And its efficacy.

I have some updates on this. After several months of research, evaluation
and demos, we're about to embark upon a rewrite of a large Silverlight app
using Xamarin to target tablets. As I complained last year, overcoming the
quirks and environmental problems with Xamarin, and learning just what it
can and can't do is a process that will leave you nearly drained of the
will to live. Once you get over the hurdles though and learn to work with
it and not against it, it's probably better than using native kits.

I know people who run a purely native app business and they have a terrible
time finding staff or contractors who are competent in Android and iOS
development with the native kits, and to find someone who does both is
rarer than a lottery win. They have one prize developer is who is competent
at both and he's teaching the other. They wrote a demo for us last year and
it brings home the stark reality that they had to write the demo app twice,
completely, with no shared code at all. I have the code here, and the Java
and Objective-C (not Swift) code is weird and incomprehensible. Lord help
anyone who has to write and maintain parallel apps like this.

So that's the obvious selling point ... C#, familiar libraries, XAML,
shared code. Love it or hate it, Xamarin is probably the better alternative
overall for .netty for people like us. The large Xamarin community with
good documentation is another selling point, in comparison to Firemonkey
for example, which is viable, but we only found two people on the
Embarcadero forums who had even vague experience with it.

Technically I should also point out that the development experience seems
more stable when using Xamarin Studio on iOS, which is irritating because a
big selling point is the Visual Studio integration. On an iMac you can
drive the emulator and build process more directly and reliably, but then
you can't target Windows. So it's give and take. Switching between Visual
Studio and Xamarin Studio will drive you to keystroke and shortcut insanity.

I will also watch with fascination how this takeover goes.

*Greg K*

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