Have ventured down the ReactJS path after not getting any response from 
Xamarin regards OEM-ing their compiler for the APaaS platform we wrote, 
despite several attempts to discuss with them.
 At least another software tools company (Citrix-funded, Israeli-founded) 
simply changed their licensing agreement to stop us.
 Not sure if Unity3D is suitable for our use - essentially a WinForms like 
 Perhaps the situation will change with Microsoft. Any idea who to talk to 
at Microsoft about licensing?
 Otherwise, yes, ReactJS is improving by the day.


 From: "Scott Barnes" <scott.bar...@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, February 26, 2016 7:30 AM
To: "ozDotNet" <ozdotnet@ozdotnet.com>
Subject: Re: Microsoft acquires Xamarin   
License is free if you can live with the unity logo as a splash screen and 
for mobile app devs the prof edition is a bit of an overkill. You also 
would want to target mono subset 2 as it actually has less mono bloat 
(performance profiling crap even etc)   
 Unity3d is one huge IoC as you also don't get framework overheads (ie you 
start with a gameobject which is similiar to a null, you then make additive 
behaviour additions to suite your need). Binding is different to mvvm as it 
makes a lot of the plumbing in mvvm redundant give its natural IoC state (I 
made the mistake trying to drag mvvm into the equation only to realise I 
gained little)
 Material is easy enough you can grab some exisiting libraries others have 
made via asset store or roll your own.
 I made a "style" class that automatically configures it's visual states 
based on what it's attached to, so it's like baking a resource dictionary 
first then dropping it into a control or object in which it the knows which 
levers to pull in order to achieve the intended visual result (ie t-shirt 
size font settings, colours, button sizes etc)
 Animations are controlled via the powerful mechanim (which is used for 3D 
character state switching but is also perfect for 2d). It actually lets you 
visualise the animation lifecycle whilst giving you the ability to "stub" 
your animations to circle back to later should you wish so (it's where I'd 
prefer Blend to have headed to be honest)

On Friday, 26 February 2016, David Connors <da...@connors.com> wrote:     
On Fri, 26 Feb 2016 at 06:57 Scott Barnes <scott.bar...@gmail.com> wrote:
 [ ... ] 
  We've written two apps so far with it and you not only get "native" 
compilations (it actually generates it via IL2CPP) but you also get less 
restrictions xamarin imposes on UI (ie no forking the visuals per platform 
of any kind)
 [ ... ]
 This is interesting. I've wondered why people don't use unity for normal 
mobile app dev. Couple of Qs:
 1. What's the licensing like? 
 2. What sort of primatives do you get for building traditional apps? What 
would you do to say build a Material Design looking app?

 David Connors
da...@connors.com | @davidconnors | LinkedIn | +61 417 189 363

Scott Barnes

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