I wonder about the 'legality' of it too......if I had a dollar for every time I was told it was illegal to have your baby at home in Australia, geez, I'd be looking at some serious cash now!

On 05/03/2007, at 10:22 PM, Nikki old wrote:

Illegal or simply not commonly practiced? I was told when I first moved to Singapore 10 years ago that homebirth was illegal. The reality was that it was just never seen and there were no midwives so no support for women who wanted to have a homebirth. That situation has now changed as more women are now aware that homebirth is an option. My understanding is that there is no country where homebirth is illegal. Practicing midwifery without a licence, or without insurance, can certainly be legally managed, but how would the authorities ever monitor the women having homebirths? Think of those women who have their babies at home unintended.

One of our students is based in Dubai - Patty Ghaly. She is studying as a doula and may have more information on the options available in Dubai. If you would like her contact details Debbie, please contact me offlist and I can pass them on.

Nikki Macfarlane
Childbirth International

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