OK. I have resolved this problem by replacing NewLine with <br/> elements 
before updating the Note field.
I have also had to reverse this when retrieving the Note field's contents and 
rendering them in the TextBox because the <br/>s are being literally returned. 
So much for Plain Text. :)
Could I avoid all this by using a SharePoint NoteField in my custom control 
instead of a standard asp textbox?
From: ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozmoss-boun...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of 
Paul Noone
Sent: Wednesday, 18 January 2012 2:40 PM
To: ozMOSS (ozmoss@ozmoss.com)
Subject: Multiline field - parse error with hidden paragraph character

Hi all,
I'm trying to update a multiline (plain) text field from a custom control that 
uses an ASP TextBox.  Everything works fin until the user includes a carriage 
return in the entry.
>From experience, SQL usually handles this automatically but it seems 
>SharePoint wants to convert these special characters first.
Is this expected behaviour, or does anyone know a standard method to cleanse 
the text first?
e.g. Replace(MyColumn,char(13),'\r\n')
Kind regards,

Paul Noone

Online Developer/SharePoint Administrator
Infrastructure Team, ICT
Catholic Education Office, Sydney
p: (02) 9568 8461
f: (02) 9568 8483
e: paul.no...@ceosyd.catholic.edu.au<mailto:paul.no...@ceosyd.catholic.edu.au>
w: http://www.ceosyd.catholic.edu.au/

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