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From: The Next System Project <nextsys...@democracycollaborative.org>
Date: Tue, Sep 24, 2019 at 8:01 PM
Subject: Our World-Transforming Ideas at The World Transformed
To: <mic...@p2pfoundation.net>

Public pharma, inclusive ownership, green banks and more at London
conference this weekend
The latest from The Next System Project
The Democracy Collaborative was a partner in The World Transformed
conference, a four-day festival of politics, arts and music that took place
this past weekend in Brighton, England to help build left power both inside
and outside of government. Here are some of the big ideas we presented at
the conference.
*A Pharmaceutical Public Option for the UK*
High prescription drug costs are a problem for the United Kingdom as they
are in the United States. Our working paper, co-produced with the
organizations Just Treatment and Global Justice Now, identifies how the key
principles of public ownership can apply in the UK's pharmaceutical sector.
It also sets out a vision of what democratic participation, engagement, and
transparency would look like.
Get the report...
Meanwhile, in the United States the fight for a pharmaceutical public
option escalates this week as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi introduced her own
plan for lowering drug prices. Next System Project director Dana Brown
looks at the bill and concludes that democratically owned pharmaceutical
operations are the most important missing element.
*The Truth Behind Inclusive Ownership Funds*

Recently, the Financial Times launched a full-scale assault on the
idea of “inclusive
ownership funds,
in which businesses would share ownership with worker-controlled trusts,
that contained an analytic error so egregious 82 distinguished economists
felt compelled to publicly correct it. With our friends at Common Wealth,
we published an explanatory graphic of the ownership funds
framework, especially as more and more of the business press is recognizing
that this is an idea that will need to be reckoned with.
See and share the graphic...
*A Digital Cooperative Alternative to Online Giants*
The top five firms in the world in terms of market capitalization—Alphabet
(Google), Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Microsoft—collectively have outsize
power over the functioning of the global economy. Next System Project
fellow Dan Hind argues in his latest report, copublished with Common
Wealth, that reasserting the primacy of democracy over private power
requires reckoning with these leading firms and with the digital sector
more generally. He proposes a "public option" for the digital sphere in the
UK, a British Digital Cooperative that would act as a space for egalitarian
collaboration as well as rapid technological innovation.

Get the report...
Learn more about the basics of system change and catch up with past
episodes of The Next System Podcast
on our website, thenextsystem.org

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