---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Satoko Kishimoto <sat...@tni.org>
Date: Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 1:40 PM
Subject: Future is Public | Democratic ownership of the economy conference
(4-5 Dec Amsterdam) website opens for registration
To: <sat...@tni.org>
Cc: Lavinia Steinfort <l.steinf...@tni.org>

Dear friends,

I hope this finds you well. I am reaching out to friends with whom I have
been in touch when producing the book 'Reclaiming Public Services - how
cities and citizens are turning back privatisation' (published by TNI and
partners in 2017). We have also after publishing the book continued our
research and advocacy work on de-privatisation. I am pleased to inform you
about the upcoming international conference 'Future is public - Democratic
ownership of the economy', held on 4th-5th December in Amsterdam, The


The conference is co-hosted by TNI and the city of Amsterdam in
collaboration with international partners. I hope you find it interesting
and I would like to welcome you to register. We plan to live-stream the
conference too.

We will during the conference release the result of an updated mapping
study on the global remunicipalisation trend.

Your feedback and questions are welcome.

Best regards,

Satoko Kishimoto

Satoko Kishimoto
Transnational Institute
e: sat...@tni.org
m: +32 4 7448 6268
t: @satokokishimoto

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