
At 03:35 AM 8/1/2002 -0500, Nigel Hamilton wrote:
>       I noticed that the p5ee::Blue pages have javadoc-esque
>documentation - for me this is a great leap forward to combining
>individual CPAN modules into cohesive packages.


You have seen the documentation I produce for P5EEx::Blue


package using the "perldocs" utility


which is not at all finished or cleanly coded (but the output
looks nice).

My intent (when I get back around to it) is to write a more general-
purpose version of perldocs which creates this kind of documentation
for whatever you have installed on your system (i.e. from CPAN or
wherever).  Its approach will be

   * extract from the source files what information you can, and
   * allow special comment tags to supplement and/or override this

So you will get an inheritance tree which spans CPAN packages, for

However, as always, don't wait for me.
I'm working on other stuff in P5EE now (the persistence system mainly).


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