At Mon, 23 Sep 2002 17:01:59 -0500,
> Logging is a large issue that never seems to get attention until after the 
> primary developers move on and someone inherits there code. As an 
> Enterprise Application is liable to span multiple servers/services and 
> have several layers, logging can quickly become a hell-hole to effectively 
> maintain.  Having worked with Log4j, and as it has been ported to most 
> languages including Perl (, it's 
> familiarity makes it a natural for consideration for a P5EE framework.

There's also another logging module Log::Dispatch::Config by me.
# pretty funny it claims itself as "Log4J for Perl" ;)

And POE::Component::Logger by Matt Sergeant to use it seamlessly
inside POE.

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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