Hi Everyone,

It's been a while since I've been in here, might be time to think about handing the reigns over?

Anyway, in case you aren't aware I got this email today regarding the new PPI:

You (via BCC, along with 86 others) are receiving this email because CPAN led me to believe that you released software (one out of the list at the end of this email) to it that depends on PPI. If you do not wish to receive this kind of email in the future, please just let me know, and i'll remove you.

That said, a new version of PPI is due to be released to CPAN soon, and i'd like you to test it and let me know if it still works fine for you, or breaks for you, or whether you need more time to test.

Details on this are provided in this blog post:

http://blogs.perl.org/users/mithaldu/2014/08/please-test-ppi-1217-01---bug-fixes-speed-optimizations-tests-doc-improvements.html <http://blogs.perl.org/users/mithaldu/2014/08/please-test-ppi-1217-01---bug-fixes-speed-optimizations-tests-doc-improvements.html>

With regards,
Christian Walde

Padre-dev mailing list

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