I have a multi-platform functions like above to have a posix call to this 
functions, but that'ts above don't work anyone know why?

int sethostname(char* pName, int cName) {
    if (cName < 0) cName = strlen(pName);
    if (NetLibSettingSet(netLibRef, (UInt16)netSettingHostName, (void*)pName, 
cName) == 0) {
        return 0;

    return -1;

int gethostname(char* pName, int cName) {
    char hostName[64] = "";
    UInt16 len = sizeof(hostName);
    if (NetLibSettingGet(netLibRef, netSettingHostName, hostName, &len) == 0) {
        strncpy(pName, hostName, cName);
        return 0;

    return -1;

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