Hey all,

I'm programming a filter with a custom Object Panel,
and I'm feeling a little bit lost about the ParaView architecture and
code design. 

My great problem is the comunication between the
Object Panel and the Model. I know I can't have a pointer to my
vtkUnstructuredGrid displayed, 'cause they are not necessarily at the
same machine or process. I also know that I'm able to send information
to the model through properties, since I can get the vtkSMProxy in my
panel. But what about the way back ? Is there a way to send information
from the display view to the panel ? How can I display in a QTable, for
instance, the nodes of my model which have some property equals to 1 ? 

Another problem is the Visualization Pipeline: is there a way to "walk" on it ?
I mean, if I have a filter name, am I able to get the
 the filter no
matter where it is in the Pipeline ? How to get, for instance, the ids
of the nodes which are displayed after the application of a filter to
the model ?

Sorry for the mess with the questions. I hope I made it clear and someone can 
help me ! :)

Rafael March.

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