If its because its an information property, I think adding a show="1" attribute to the property will make it show up.


Utkarsh Ayachit wrote:
You will have to create a custom panel. Look at the custom panel
example in Examples/Plugin.


On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 4:29 PM, Nehme Bilal <nbi...@mirarco.org> wrote:

I am trying to use "DoubleArrayInformationHelper" to get a vtkDoubleArray
from server side and show it in my filter GUI.
XML code:


       vtkDoubleArray* GetVolumesArray()
               return this->volumesArray;
The current code don't show anything in the GUI.
I would like to see the content of volumesArray in a Table, List or a Tree

How can I do that ?


From: Utkarsh Ayachit <utkarsh.ayac...@kitware.com>
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Object Panel <-> Model Communication
To: rafaelmar...@yahoo.com
Cc: paraview@paraview.org
Date: Tuesday, December 16, 2008, 2:17 PM

To get back "values" from the server, you can use either
properties" or "information objects".

Information properties are properites with information_only="1" set
the XML (eg. in Servers/ServerManager/Resources/rendering.xml the
"Camera" proxy has "CameraPositionInfo" as an information
Such properties need an "InformationHelper" which knows how to obtain
the values from the server. For simple Get*() methods, you can use the
<SimpleDoubleInformationHelper/> or <SimpleIntInformationHelper />
etc. based on the type of the property. Complex information helpers
can be written as well. Look at
(vtkSMTimeStepsInformationHelper.h|cxx) as an example.

Information objects are used to get data from server which cannot be
simply put in a property for example information about the data object
produced by a filter (vtkPVDataInformation). These are
vtkPVInformation subclasses. You can create you own vtkPVInformation
subclass that knows how to collect information and then
serialize/deserialize it for transfer to the client from the server
(if needed). To gather such information, one uses
vtkProcessModule::GatherInformation(vtkIdType connectionID,
vtkTypeUInt32 serverFlags, vtkPVInformation* info, vtkClientServerID
id) where "id" is vtkSMProxy::GetID() returned for the proxy from
which you want to collect the information.

In your case, information property may be an easier solution -- if I
understand your problem correctly.

There is a pqServerManagerModel instance
accessible as
pqApplicationCore::instance()->getServerManagerModel() that can be
used to access sources/filters their representations, views etc. Take
a look at Qt/Core/pqServerManagerModel.h for the API. That should help
you access the visualization pipeline.

"How to get, for instance, the ids of the nodes which are displayed
after the application of a filter to the model ?"
Not sure I understand what you mean by that. Can you please elaborate?


On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 6:38 AM, Rafael March <rafaelmar...@yahoo.com>
Hey all,

I'm programming a filter with a custom Object Panel,
and I'm feeling a little bit lost about the ParaView architecture and
code design.

My great problem is the comunication between the
Object Panel and the Model. I know I can't have a pointer to my
vtkUnstructuredGrid displayed, 'cause they are not
necessarily at the
same machine or process. I also know that I'm able to send information
to the model through properties, since I can get the vtkSMProxy in my
panel. But what about the way back ? Is there a way to send information
from the display view to the panel ? How can I display in a QTable, for
instance, the nodes of my model which have some property equals to 1 ?

Another problem is the Visualization Pipeline: is there a way to
"walk" on
it ?
I mean, if I have a filter name, am I able to get the the filter no
matter where it is in the Pipeline ?

Sorry for the mess with the questions. I hope I made it clear and someone
can help me ! :)

Rafael March.

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