Hi, Terri,
You also might have luck at Big Lots/Odd Lots; while I haven't bought a boom box from these stores, I have seen them on shelves. Since I am also blind, I have looked at some with analog tuning and volume knobs. Target stores might be another shopping place to look. I found one of the best-sounding analog boom boxes at a garage sale. I am definitely familiar with the problem of finding either good assistance in the store, or a helpful companion who will find and describe products of interest. The only tough thing about the Big Lots/Odd Lots stores is that if you find something you like, you must purchase it right then because it may not be there the next day. Happy shopping!

Greg Daniel
At 10:08 AM 11/6/04 -0500, you wrote:
Hello everyone,
First of all, I'd like to say thank you for your thoughts so far, on this
Now I have a couple more questions.
If I purchase a different boombox, than the Sony I bought, is it likely that
I'll run into the same problem I have with this one?
I want to be able to pick up NPR without getting that Christian station
bleeding in.  Like I said, I never had this problem with my analog boombox.
Also, how exactly does digital tuning work?  And how is it different from
analog tuning?

I was able to find two boomboxes on the Circuit City website, that use
analog tuning.  However, they are made by brands that I'm not familiar with.
I don't want to buy one of them, to just have to replace it a few months
later, because it wasn't that good.
One was made by Nexxtech.
And I believe the other one was made by ESA, but I'm not sure if I'm
remembering that exactly right or not.
Has anyone ever heard of either of these brands?  If so, do you know how
good their stuff is, or isn't?
Thank you,

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