If removing the TV cable cures the hum, then that's the cause of
the problem.

Ask the cable company for an isolated outlet, or you can buy a
suitable unit from your local TV dealer.

What's happening is that you have a voltage difference between
the incoming cable (which is earthed at the cable company's
junction box in the street), and your local system. The current
flowing from the one to the other is what causes the hum. The
isolated outlet stops the current flowing.

Incedentally, I used to do A/V installations and a large bugbear
was unislated cable boxes, not only because of the hum, but in
bad cases you could get a nasty belt if you happened to touch the
feeder and the socket at the same time!

...What matters is not the length of the wand, but the magic in
the stick
---Taglines by Tagzilla (tagzilla.mozdev.org)

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