I Didn't think for one minute that a talented person such as you Mary would be writing a 200 page report on an onscreen keyboard of any description <smile>

Keyboard entry has improved quite significantly in the later builds of Android to the point where getting around is far easier than it was, as I said one can use standard Windows commands on the keyboard to navigate and edit.

There are problems with the keyboard entry on my IOS device and I'll mention it here since the subject has been bought up, the problem I've noticed is when backspacing, VoiceOver just mutes and then starts speaking after 4 or 5 presses of the backspace key by that time you've probably deleted crucial characters and even then, the cursor isn't where you think it ought to be.

On 6/02/2016 10:44 AM, Mary Otten wrote:
Oh, I don't do much with the onscreen keyboard except for a few words
of typing filling in forms and such. I dictate anything longer than
that with good effect, and editing the results, when necessary is where
IOS beats the pants off of android on my Nexus device. Try before you
buy when possible is always good advice, and that is especially true if
you have been using a system for years and might take certain things it
does pretty well for granted.



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