A slight miss-understanding there from yours Truly <smile>.

Yes, it was intended in a way as I didn't have the latest version installed myself so I installed but didn't look at the release date until after.

I upgraded to Windows 10 around 8 months ago and the only trouble I had with the upgrade was my Total Recorder 8.5 settings disappearing, not a huge problem I think you'll admit but a problem neverthe less.

In the meantime Total Recorder V8.6 was released and I only bothered to see if my V8.5 had been updated this morning so you know the story now <smile>.

I'll be interested to see what differences the V8.6 Video Pro Edition - that's what I use - offers the user.

On 22/05/2016 7:46 AM, cov...@ccs.covici.com wrote:
The link is from October 2015, is this what was intended?

Dane Trethowan <grtd...@internode.on.net> wrote:



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