Thanks for the correction, saves typing <smile>.

> On 4 Jan 2017, at 10:38 pm, Brian Olesen <> wrote:
> Hi Dane
> It's just AC by the way. Grin
> Good luck with your new unit.
> Brian
> -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
> Fra: Pc-audio [] På vegne af Dane
> Trethowan
> Sendt: 4. januar 2017 03:03
> Til:
> Emne: Goodbye to another old and faithful product and time to try a new one
> Yep, time to say goodbye to the Airport Express units which I've been using
> for so long - well one far longer than the other actually -.
> I bought my first Airport Express -first generation - in 2009 and the newer
> generation in 2013 and that's the latest and last Airport Express generation
> to be made.
> Unfortunately the Airport Express has not kept up with current Wi-Fi trends
> or perhaps the simple answer is that it can't? We now have Wi-Fi AAC for
> example which is a huge step forward.
> Once aupon a not so long ago, I used the Airport Express as a router however
> what the Airport Express was capable of then has now been totally eclipsed
> by other routers from the big names such as Asus and so on.
> So what am I using in the place of the Airport Express to receive audio
> streams? The new Google Chromecast Audio which arrived today.
> Its simple to set up thanks to the Google Home App on both Android and IOS,
> I used Android for the setup Operating System this time and found the Google
> Home App easy to navigate.
> Only thing that does worry me is how good the receiver in the Chromecast
> Audio is as it described the Wi-Fi network I connected to as having a "Weak
> Signal" and I was advised to connect to another with a stronger signal, well
> we'll find out later today just how robust the connection really is when I
> put the Chromecast Audio through its paces.
> The Chromecast Audio looks very similar in size to the current generation of
> the Chromecast but instead of a HDMI port it has a 3.5MM audio port which is
> capable of providing both analogue and digital output, if the Chromecast
> were only an analogue output device then I would never have considered
> purchasing one.
> I paid $60 Australian for the Chromecast Audio and that to me represents
> excellent value, I don't expect top notch audio for my $60 but I'm quite
> sure I'll get reasonable - if not very decent - audio when I connect the
> Chromecast Audio to my Rotel DAC, I might even connect the Chromecast Audio
> to my new MM1 Speakers.
> **********
> Those with negative attitudes are a problem, those with positive outlooks
> are the solution.

Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest of the 
halfwits in this world behind.

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