
Stephan Sokolow has written on Saturday, 17 November, at 16:36:
>On 12-11-17 04:07 PM, Andrej N. Gritsenko wrote:
>> GNOME way is to create (empty or minimal, depending on what you want)
>> file in ~/Templates, such as:
>> image.jpeg
>> script.sh
>> file.txt
>> document.odt
> > KDE way is to create some ShellScript.desktop file with contents:

>So, let me get this straight. GNOME somehow managed to get the Nautilus 
>templates folder into ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs alongside stuff that's 
>actually used by more than one application in the same desktop 
>environment like the desktop, documents, downloads, pictures, and music 

Precisely. It's XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR statement in that file.

>My first (sane) impression was that it was something where you drop 
>templates for all applications and each application filters by filetype 
>for only its own formats but, if I understand you correctly, doing so 
>would render Nautilus's New menu uselessly large.

>(eg. Suppose everything supported it and I dropped 10 LibreOffice 
>templates and 5 Inkscape ones in there.)

Exactly. Each file in ~/Templates will be added by Nautilus to the 'New'
submenu. I've implemented it such way pcmanfm will show only one file per
file type (i.e. only one LibreOffice text doc or only one JPEG file) and
it's why I do some filtering which caused the beforementioned effect.

>Given that I've never seen a file manager other than Nautilus that 
>supports parsing a ".hidden" file to hide non-dotfiles, I tend to blame 
>GNOME developers' NIH syndrome whenever I see a non-hidden folder in my 
>homedir getting regenerated but I don't actually expect to see such an 
>impression confirmed in a standard.

GNOME ways are sometimes very out of common sense. That's why I prefer to
avoid GNOME ways sometimes. :)


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