Martin Peach wrote:
IOhannes m zmölnig wrote:

actually they _are_ available by default in pd-extended:
[mrpeach/packOSC] and [mrpeach/udpsend] will just create
(not that i very much like this the way it is; i would so much prefer [osc/packOSC] and [net/udpsend])

Well can you just go ahead and do that please? I don't think I have write access to the whole externals tree. In externals/ just move mrpeach/net to /net and mrpeach/osc to /osc. I think it's time...

i don't think it is necessarily a bad idea to have the source-code structured as-is (e.g. in externals/mrpeach/osc), only on the installation-side it doesn't make sense....

currently i'm a bit limited in time (preparing for sao paolo and things...), so i won't do that _now_.

oh, and btw, you do have full access to the entire svn-tree (no access-control for svn on sourceforge) - it's mainly a matter of well-behaving to not commit things to parts where you are not "expected" to.


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