No, Not selling. I plan on using them on a PENTAX digital
SLR in a few years. For now, I'm getting great results
with that old fashioned thing called FILM. If Pentax
decides not to go the digital SLR route, I just might
buy a Canon EOS digital and mount them on that if
I have to.

I am a strong believer in using the right lens for the job.
Hence, I bought a WHOLE BUNCH of them dirt cheap about
10 yrs ago. These are all Takumars. In the late 80's
early 90's when Pentax came out with AF, people were
dumping screwmount lenses like hot potatoes! It was
perfect timing for me as I just got back into photography
around 1988 after about a 12 year layoff.

As a matter of fact at that time I felt they were so undervalued
That I "invested" in them and at one point had over 175
"extra" ones. But I needed cash last year and sold
all of them ( just the extras ) at ebay. I made 
a healthly profit to say the least.

Even with todays higher prices, the takumars are still
excellent value. Way cheaper than the K, M, or A lenses
and just as good in many respects.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: wendy beard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 8:13 AM
> Subject: Re: Opinions Wanted: Vivitar 2x Macro Focussing Teleconverter
> At 01:26 AM 12/12/2002 -0500, JCO wrote:
> >  ( hint,
> >for 35mm I have everything from 15 to 1000mm ).
> >JCO
> Did you say "hint" because you're about to put them all on ebay 
> or did you 
> mean to say "boast"
> Wendy Beard,
> Ottawa, Canada

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