czesc!Mozesz cos wiecej napisac o tych nowych powlokach?Czy sie charakteryzuja?
Niby nowy dslr ma obslugiwac obiektywy FA, a co z A M  i K?
Ciekaw jestem jak Pentax stoi finansowo, czy sprzedaje duzo puszek itd, czy tez 
przynosi straty jak bylo z LX-em.
martwi mnie ze firma malo (niemal wcale nie liczy sie wsrod zawodowcow w malym 
obrazku). Nie chcialbym wychodzic z sytemu, uzbieralem troche klamotow, niektore 
szukalem 2 lata, a w innym nie kupie tak okazyjnie jak np SMC K 135/2.5, SMC K105/2.8 
itd. Inna sprawa ze do Nikona i Canona jest duzo na wtornym rynku.
Lekko rozdarty w sobie 

Użytkownik Sylwester Pietrzyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> napisał:
>on 17.12.02 0:26, Rob Studdert at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>> Just look at lenses descriptions. It seems that ghostless coating is applied
>>> to
>>> almost every new lens produced after 199x (?)!!! So here we have not only
>>> Limiteds, but also new FA 35/2, FA* 200/4 Macro and even cheap long zooms
>>> like
>>> FA 100-300/4.7-5.8 and 80-320/4.5-5.6.
>> Searching on the keyword "ghostless" on the European and US Pentax sites will
>> reveal the press releases associated with lenses featuring Ghostless coatings,
>> also and incidentally all are also SMC coated.
>You are right, but it also confirms what I said. Still Bojidar's site needs
>to be updated, just because almost every new lens (like cheapo FA
>35-80/4-5.6) from Pentax features ghostless coating - not only the high end
>ones. Even older lenses has this coating - just look at FA 28-70/4. Japanese
>site has FULL INFORMATION which lenses have this feature and which have not.
>As usual it is far more complete than its European or American counterparts!
>Let's hope Boz will update K-mount equipment page in the future!
>Best Regards

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