Find an old Encyclopedia Britannica published around 1890, it contains detailed instructions on the chemical basics to make your own nitrate based film, you will have to adopt the nitrocellulose film stock from the explosive's section however, (well nothing's perfect I guess).

At 11:02 PM 12/17/2002 -0500, you wrote:
Well, I don't have a lot of experience to speak from, but I do have both the K-1000 and MZ-5n now. Both camera bodies have pluses and minuses. Neither is exactly what I want.

But considering the fact that I lost a lot of shots with the K-1000 because cranking the film to advance it for the next shot took too long, or I missed a shot because I setting the exposure took too long, or I missed a shot because focusing took too long -- well, I'd have to go with the modern camp.

But if I was traveling in a third world country where I wanted real reliability, I'd take the K-1000 along.

And if the world ended (like in a nuclear war), then I'd want the K-1000 because I could still use it even if I couldn't find a lithium battery anywhere. Course then, I'd still have to be able to find film that had not been x-rayed to death. Reminds me somehow of that old Twilight Zone episode with Burgess Meredith. Actually, somehow the whole question reminds me of that.

Later, Doe aka Marnie Hehehe.

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