All mathematics is counting - things exist or they do not. Mathematics has
therefore always existed. Because you may have no language to describe
something does not mean it doesn't exist. The symbology of mathematics is
the tool, not mathematics itself. Valence? Valence is a counting of charge.
Pressure? How much? Temperature? How high? Abundance? How many? They obey
their own rules? Who or what are they that they should determine rules that
please them? Pi is the same count whether you express it in binary, octal,
decimal, hexadecimal or give the definition of the ratio. You refuse to
speak the language necessary to describe the world and therefore cannot
contribute to the discussion in any constructive way which may or may not
aid in understanding. All you can really do is make unsubstantiated claims
in a language foreign to that necessary for the discussion.

The math was always there. The symbology we use to describe it is the
invention or tool.

Now, If you do have a way to impart your special and wonderful knowledge
concerning composition, I, for one, would like to hear it. As I said it's
always best to sit at the feet of a master... providing he is capable of
communicating his mastery. Otherwise, why listen.

What? No gems of wisdom for me to try?

Thought not.

Then for now, I will continue to frame or crop at roughly the golden
rectangle and perhaps use a square or elongated rectangle as it may seem
adventurous to me. Yes, I will continue to pose in thirds. As to head shots,
I may center the portrait if I wish to express symmetry, but I think I'll
still usually put one eye in the center as has also been suggested as a
starting point by several masters of the trade.

When I become an expert like you, then I'll wave my camera wildly in the
wind and snap in some manner which I cannot communicate to others.

"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!"
   - Benjamin Franklin

From: "Dr E D F Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> There was no Mathematics, or Physics, when crystals first started to grow.
> Mathematics governs nothing - it is a language with a set of rules.
> do not ~obey~ any outside 'rules' of mathematics or physics. The atoms
> arrange themselves in a lattice depending upon valency, pressure,
> temperature, the medium, the composition and their abundance. In this
> respect they do obey rules - their own rules. However, Mathematics and the
> 'Laws' of Physics ~can~ be and are used to describe these rules (see
> with varying degrees of accuracy. One may even predict how crystals will

[Yea, right]

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