Shaun Canning wrote:

> What HTML editors or web page creation software are PDMLer's using
> for their web sites? I am still using Frontpage 2000, which does the job,
> but is an idiosyncratic little bugger...

I used to use Pico (a simple non-graphical unix-based text editor).  
Coded everything by hand.  I eventually got sick of that and did a couple 
of weekend courses in Dreamweaver.  They gave me a student ID which got 
me the academic packages for 1/5th of the commercial price.

I am not going back.  Dreamweaver is brilliant.  The site management 
alone is extremely valuable.  I set it up to give me both the wysiwyg and 
code views simultaneously but its not often I need to edit the code 

For web graphics, Fireworks is just what I was looking for (also a 
Macromedia product).  Now I just need the time to build my new site, 
although my current "temporary" one was mostly done with Dreamweaver.

I recently bought a book on how to do Flash but I won't get the time to 
read it for a while.  Flash is not important to me but I may find it 
useful where I hit the limits of HTML and javascript.


- Dave

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