Mike would you consider this combo:
FA 24/2
FA 50/1.4 (no substitute for speed)
and an 1.7 AF teleconvertor for portraits.


Mike Johnston kindly wrote:

> One possibility for the upcoming show is that there may be a new FILM body
> from Pentax. Pal keeps hoping for an "AF LX," and it's also possible that
> there may be a new "budget/serious" camera one tier below the MZ-S (which
> can't afford).
> So I've been trying to think about FA lens outfits recently. I don't
> currently own any FA lenses, but there are a number I'm attracted to.
> What I do is general snapshooting in black-and-white. I'm a great fan of
> 35mm normal lenses, but also of the 50/1.4 Pentax lens. Generally, what I
> need is an all-purpose lens, and also a portrait lens. But a 50mm is too
> long to be my widest lens. Here's what I've shot with over the past few
> years:
> --Just a 50mm.
> --a 35mm and an 85mm.
> --a 50mm, an 85mm for portraits, and a wider lens--since the wider lens is
> mostly for indoors, it needs to be pretty fast.
> Personally, since my long(er)-lens use is _exclusively_ for portraits, I'm
> leaning towards the 85mm f/1.4. The 77mm also has a great reputation and
> a better form-factor. So one obvious kit would be the 85/1.4 and the 35/2.
> kit comprising the 35/2 and the 77mm would also be very nice.
> But that leaves me without my stone favorite 50/1.4. If I were to add
> I'd want to use it as my "most of the time normal lens." At that point,
> 35/2 becomes rather superfluous, and I'd rather move a bit further away on
> the wide and tele ends...which would mean a three-lens kit with the 24/2
> 31mm, 50/1.4, and 77 or 85mm. Since 77mm is rather closer to 50mm than to
> 35mm, this thought pushes me more towards the 85mm again.
> The trouble with this is that, in the real world, I don't have very much
> cash. So to think of buying both the very expensive 31mm and the very
> expensive 85mm is rather daunting...especially when the inexpensive 50mm
> would be my "most of the time" lens.
> I'd like to begin investing in a kit of FA lenses, but I'm unsure of which
> way to go. I could do any of the following...
> --50/1.4 only (not really a very flexible option).
> --35/2 and 85/1.4.
> --35/2 and 77mm.
> --31mm, 50/1.4, and 85mm.
> --24/2, 50/1.4, and 85mm.
> --something else--?
> My little brother Scott has insisted for years that I am very good at
> advice to others, but not very good at choosing things for myself. His
> reasoning is that I remain objective and clear-headed when I give advice
> others, but when I'm shopping for myself, I succumb to emotion and
> fetishizing and hair-splittng, and make dumb decisions.
> What would you recommend? Keep in mind I want an _optimum_ 2- or 3-lens FA
> kit for my uses, not something that will just "get me by."
> --Mike
> P.S. This is not a troll. I'm serious. <s>

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