>> And yes, there some A* lenses that are extraordinary including
>> the A*85/1.4 and A*135/1.8 -  real gems without any plastic.  And
>> lenses they never made in the M series like the A200/2.8 or
>> A100/2.8 Macro or A20/2.8...  Or the A35-105/3.5 zoom,  a Pentax
>> quality zoom.  Or the A200/4 Macro.

> This is a longer list already than any list of "extraordinary" M
> lenses I've been offered.  It might be argued that the A series is
> the high-water mark of Pentax optics.

Overall (and this is not to say that there are not any pre-A gems -
which there are - and is not to say that there are not any post-A
gems - which there are), I also tend to think that "the A series is
the high-water mark of Pentax optics" (although this is also not to
say that every A lens is a gem - which is not the truth, either).
This is to say that, if I had to restrict my lens choices to just
one "era" - K, M/M*, A/A*, F/F*, or FA/FA* - I'd choose the A/A*
"era" without question.


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