> Anders posted:
> > In last week's issue of "Resumé", the Swedish weekly magazine for the
> > advertizing business, there is a full page article where a long list of
> > female photographers accuse Pentax of being sexistic in their adverts for
> > the new *ist-D. They make clear that because of this ad, they will not
> > buy this camera -- or any Pentax equipment.
> Three reactions:
> 1. Pentax actually ran an ad somewhere for something other than a p&s? Wow!
> 2. I'm sure it's quite easy for all these people to declare they're not going 
> to buy Pentax equipment. How many were at all likely to, anyway? 
> 3. Sad -- not a good time to get bad press.

And a fourth reaction:

The complaint is just as bad as the original ad - possibly even worse.
A long list of *female* photographers?   Why is there this assumption
that only females might find the advertisement offensive, or that only
the opinion of female photographers is worth reporting?

If they're complaining about sexism they need to clean up their own act.

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