
Sunday, October 26, 2003, 3:47:49 PM, you wrote:

>  For me, the
> _major_ drawback to digital is the dependence on batteries, as I
> sometimes find myself in situations where a purely mechanical device is
> a better option.  Can't see that one being solved.....

well, what with recent breakthroughs in nanotechnology you never know.

If you want something that works, rain or shine, then we need to
combine the past with the present, and shrink it.

A small waterwheel attached to the side of your camera could generate
plenty of power during a rainstorm; if the weather was dull and overcast
then the sails of the wheel could catch the slightest breeze, and generate
plenty of power that way. And of course in f/16 conditions the bright
sunshine would be collected on the sails which are, of couse, fitted
with teeny-weeny, but immensely efficient, solar panels.

Finally, if the weather simply won't play ball, then you can use gravity.
The centre of your camera must include a yo-yo mechanism and some sort of
power exchange device, like a dynamo, attached to the yo-yo spindle
to capture Newton's favourite apple plucker.

Sadly, though, that emergency back-up won't work in outer space.

 Bob                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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