I have a copy of the page. Since I do not have Shel's new address, please ask him if it is all right for me to put it up on my website so it will continue to be available.


Maris V. Lidaka Sr. wrote:

Shel says the webpage disappeared when he changed his e-mail address (he
probably changed ISP's and had the webpage on the previous ISP).  It's not
up anywhere now, and he didn't say whether he even still had it.

You might join the CanonFD group temporarily


They have some information and recommendations as to repair shops in their
Files and Links sections.


Steve Larson wrote:

Shel`s webpages aren`t there anymore, probably been moved
since he changed his email address a couple weeks ago.
Steve Larson
Redondo Beach, California

----- Original Message ----- From: "Tom Ivar Helbekkmo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Maris V. Lidaka Sr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 10:02 AM Subject: Re: CLA

"Maris V. Lidaka Sr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I seem to recall a list of reliable repair/CLA sources somewhere.
Can anyone point me to it?

Shel Belinkoff was maintaining it, wasn't he? Anyone have a link to his web pages? I seem to have lost my bookmark entry for them...

Tom Ivar Helbekkmo, Senior System Administrator, EUnet Norway
www.eunet.no  T: +47-22092958 M: +47-93013940 F: +47-22092901

-- graywolf http://graywolfphoto.com [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"You might as well accept people as they are,
you are not going to be able to change them anyway."

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