film won't disappear for a long time, but the wide affordable choices will.
if all you can get is ISO 800 print film designed for long shelf life, and
any random slide film is $20/roll before processing, only by mail order,
even pros won't shoot much slides anymore.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Boris Liberman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2003 4:46 AM
Subject: Re: A conversation with Noritsu.

> Normally, I think if and when technology wears out, it does not
> disappear. It takes some niche market and stays there. I think that
> until film really dies, it will pass some probably rather lengthy
> stage of niche market. I don't think that film will really disappear
> that fast.
> Also film producing companies must be aware of huge amount of film
> cameras (P&S, SLR and others) that are still in use and are still
> potential profit. So hopefully situation is not as grim as it seems.

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