1.      It is never immoral and should never be illegal to freeze an instant (any
instant) in time of any one or thing seen in a public place. There is
clearly no expectation of privacy in the public arena.

2.      The presentation of truth clearly available to the public is never
immoral. It is simply the truth.

3.      Because something is unflattering, even unsympathetic doesn't mean it's
unkind or inappropriate. Some folks need to know the truth, whether to do
something about whatever it is or learn to live with it with grace.

4.      Avoiding the elephant in the middle of the living room does no one any
good and can actually cause harm.

5.      You are not denigrating the subject. If denigration is involved (and I
don't believe it is) she is doing it to herself.

6.      Not all things that cause (or could cause) pain are unkind.

7.      Your job is to depict the truth. Period.

8.      She looks like three pigs fighting under a blanket.

9.      I bet that's a diet drink she has there - or perhaps a new prescription
for her glasses.


> From: Shel Belinkoff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Hi gang,
> Notice I said "taking," for this photo wasn't offered, and the shutter
> was tripped surreptitiously.  The woman had no idea that I was going to
> take this picture of her.
> I have mixed feelings about this shot. On the one hand it seemingly
> reflects an aspect of American culture, yet, on the other hand, it's not
> a very complimentary portrait, and one could argue that it in some ways
> denigrates the subject. Is food the problem, or perhaps a medical
> condition? Am I being judgmental or just recording a scene?  Having
> battled weight problems throughout my life, I'm somewhat sensitive to
> this woman's situation.  Still, the photo does, IMO, tell a story ...
> and perhaps asks a question or two.
> My question to the list:  Should this photo have been taken?  Do you
> think it is overly critical of the subject or sympathetic, or perhaps
> judgmental?  Maybe I'm being critical of myself, using the photo to work
> through or better understand my own situation and problems.
> See for yourself, and share your thoughts:
> http://home.earthlink.net/~scbelinkoff/bigeater.html

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