> Strangely enough sheet film had already gone to where 
>advanced amateurs and fine arts photographers are the pretty much the
only ones 
>using it even before digital became a major market contender, so
digital will 
>not make the inroads there that it will in the smaller formats.

I'd have to agree with that in terms of B&W, and for colour it is
probably almost there now. There really are very few situations where
you need to use sheet film; you do so because you want to. So long as I
can still get FP4 and HP5 in 4x5 I'll be content, and even if it got to
the stage that only one 100 and one 400 emulsion where available from
anybody I'd probably still survive.
Still, it does seem to be the pro gear that is being dumped. My local
pro dealer is awash in Hasselblads and F3/F4s.
The up side to this has been the very low prices I have paid for
darkroom gear over the last few months, probably 10% of new price for
quality equipment.

Paul Ewins
Melbourne, Australia

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