Tanya, I think tha fact that you were obviously serious about photography despite being out in the middle of nowhere was more important to us than your being a "girl". 'Sides can a married woman with children be considered a girl (grin)?


Tanya Mayer - Photographic Artist wrote:

Hi there Frank,

Lovely to make your acquaintance! lol.  I hear you on the "tongue in cheek"
thing, and have learnt in the past that it pays to have a very open mind and
a good sense of humour when using these lists! Flame wars are very
entertaining to watch, but I generally don't participate. hehe.

As for my being "popular" - I think it has more to do with me, at that time,
being a true "rose amongst the thorns" - I think there was only one other
on list when I was around previously, and she wasn't a very regular poster.
So being a 24 year old girl, kind of helped my notoriety a bit.  Mind you, I
remember thinking that Shel was a girl for a bit there too! (Thinking that
was short for "Michelle"). Stood corrected (and very embarrassed!)when Stan
emailed me a pic of him though! lol!

It's lovely to see now that there are a few ladies here though - I feel much
"at home"! ;-)

Sorry, totally off topic guys, better get back to the subject at hand, or
I'll be
making enemies already!


----- Original Message ----- From: "frank theriault" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 28, 2003 9:47 AM
Subject: Re: An observation re Pentax for sale

Well, now that you mention it, I ~was~ wondering about that "Photographic Artist" bit... <vbg>

BTW, hi.  I've been active on the list for several years now, but I faintly
recall that you may have been around, perhaps during my lurlking days, or
possibly when I first started posting.  In any event we certainly didn't get
to "know each other" at all.  You'll very quickly realize (if you haven't
already) that much of what I say is tongue in cheek, and pretty much always
to be taken worth a grain of salt.  The odd salient point accidently slips
through from time to time, but I'm working on keeping those to a minimum.
(Hey, that's two salt metaphors in successive sentences.  Not bad, eh?)

So, pleased to meet you.  It seems from some of the other welcomes that I've
read that you were quite popular poster in your day <g>.  Everyone seems
quite happy to have you back.

"Rider of Bicycles"

"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds.  The pessimist
fears it is true."  -J. Robert Oppenheimer

From: "Tanya Mayer - Photographic Artist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: An observation re Pentax for sale
Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2003 08:42:24 +1000

OT- my apologies to you all - I just noticed that all of my posts are
"Tanya Mayer - Photographic Artist".  In this context, it looks extremely
pompous and conceited! lol.  I subscribed to the list using my work email
addy, and forgot that that is the display I have for it! Sorry guys,
I am not totally full of myself... I promise.... *hides head sheepishly*...



----- Original Message -----
From: "mike wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 28, 2003 7:51 AM
Subject: Re: An observation re Pentax for sale


Tanya Mayer - Photographic Artist wrote:

Also, my nearest photolab is 3 hours away and currently I send


away, which to a very impatient
woman, is an absolute nightmare.  Digital, in this instance, would be
absolute bliss.

Why do you not process your own? At the most, £200 for a Jobo processor and tanks to process up to five at a time. £15 to process 10 C-41 36exp films. Probably cheaper if you are buying inquantity and tax deductible. Or you could go the whole hog and buy one of the Jobo ATL series autoprocessors.

If you go digital you will, in your situation, be spending more, not
less time in front of a screen and you will need to invest in a high-end
printer (or digital minilab) to create the output.


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