----- Original Message ----- 
From: "wendy beard"
Subject: Re: down in the darkroom

> No, I took a 10D with a 256 Mb CF card full of newly shot jpegs.
> Then I went home and downloaded them all and printed them on the Epson
> (well, some anyway, not all 79 of them)


I just don't have an hard answer for you then.
I do have a few theories though.
The CT-1 (if you are in a Canadian Wal-Mart, that is what is on the
counter). will kaak if it hits files that are either WAY oversized (over
20mb will slow it down to the point you think it has crashed), or way too
small (ours did trip over a CD that someone had burned straight off of a
family tree website, it didn't like the 12kb gif images from the pop ups).
My only other guess is that the machinery itself has a problem.
It wouldn't surprise me.
One thing that happens with the networked Noritsu equipment is it seems to
have problems on the CT-1 if it doesn't get shut down at night.
We have weird problems, like it won't read one card type, most often the
really little wafer thin thingies, are they XD cards? Or the Sony cards
won't read, or some such. I've never had a problem with a CF card, but I
expect thats just blind luck.
I don't know if this is a documented issue, but my manager mentioned it to
me as something to watch for if the machine is running when I open the lab.

I expect you fell into one of that type of machine wonk.

If you tell me what store you were at, I will see if I can get in touch with
that lab's manager and mention this incident.
Unfortunately, the tendency in the lab industry is to blame the customer,
because usually, it is the customer's fault something is screwed up.


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