
Hopalong Cassidy ('49) was probably more of a kids show than a drama that aired in the 
evening for adults.  The Lone Ranger and Hoppy were the start of kids merchandising 
tie-ins.  But they were dramas for Saturday morning TV, when the kids were home from 
school.  Of course, Howdy Doody ('47) was the first kid's show and aired daily for 

Quite a trip down memory lane, whatever vague memories I have from '49...   :-)

Regards,  Bob S.

Ryan writes:

> My lecturer/tutor at uni, Dr Alan Mckee, author of Australian Television: A
> Geneaology of Great Moments, selected Hopalong Cassidy (1949) and after a
> deluge of suggestions (and bargaining! The shows everyone mentioned all came
> up..), consensus was that 1950 was a reasonable year to 
> settle on.

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