Wow.  The MLU idea is a great one and probably pretty simple to do also.


Rob Studdert wrote:
On 22 Sep 2004 at 14:18, Steve Jolly wrote:

This is pure speculation, but I suspect that what Pentax have done is performed the Bayer interpolation with 16-bit precision and then kept the extra information. It's not "padding" as such - dropping the four least-significant bits would be equivalent to a second stage of quantisation, introducing extra quantisation noise.

RAW files are just that, RAW sensor data, pre-interpolated. Case in point many other cameras on the market that use this sensor manage to provide RAW files of a size which can be directly related to the fact that they only contain 12bits per pixel.

However! In practice the effect might well be very small, making the trade-off worthwhile to gain an effective 33% increase in memory card capacities.

The effect will be 6.31M pixels x 4 bits (3.16MB) per image and more if compression was introduced too.

Personally my first target would be to implement something like proper MLU support...

This would be another great upgrade.

Rob Studdert HURSTVILLE AUSTRALIA Tel +61-2-9554-4110 UTC(GMT) +10 Hours [EMAIL PROTECTED] Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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