On 8/13/05, Don Sanderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Super shot Frank!

Thanks!  <blush>

> I'm still a bit in shock seeing these sharp, well focused,
> perfect DOF, COLOR shots from you! ;-)

I ~can~ do that stuff, when I really want to (I know it's hard to
believe).  <LOL>

> Obviously everyone had a great time, very nice.

Yeah, it was a fun day.  Here's a shot from the top of the dune, just
to give you a bit of perspective (although one doesn't get the feel
for how high or steep the dune is from this shot).  You can see the
kids setting up their little trampoline just left of centre:


Doesn't the water look a lovely shade of blue?  We were "camped" under
the trees on the right - a perfect place with shade on a day when the
sun was hot and unrelenting (and I don't wear sunblock...).  <g>


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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