Nicely captured. You do realize the main subject is in focus...

frank theriault wrote:

I had planned a "proper" PAW for today, but now I can't.  It looked
cool in the viewfinder, fine on the neg on a light table under a
loupe, but when I got the 8x10 back today, I had to file it under
"what the hell was I thinking?!?"


But, I also got back a roll I took at the beach with the kids a couple
of weeks ago.  We went to Sandbanks Provincial Park, near Kingston,
Ontario, Canada.  Lovely place:  natural sand dunes right around where
Lake Ontario empties into the St. Lawrence River.  It's quite a large
place, and we beached at a spot where a sand dune of several hundred
feet falls right into the water - the beach is only about 5 or 6 feet
wide between the sand dune and the water (which was pristine and a
perfect temperature).

There were a bunch of teenagers there who had set up an inflatable
mini-tramp, and were running at top speed down the dune (half falling,
mostly out of control), then jumping onto the trampoline and into the
water.  They looked like they were having a great time, as were the
spectators.  I snapped a few, including this one:

Comments are always encouraged and appreciated.


When you're worried or in doubt, Run in circles, (scream and shout).

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