Toralf Lund wrote:

Malcolm Smith wrote:

[ ... ]

In many ways it's all a nonsense; chances are in a small town you are
appearing on CCTV somewhere and in a big city maybe 50, 100, 200 cameras?
Not that I have any objection to that - I welcome it today -  but the
principle should be both ways. If you objecting to being in a photo, chances
are it's already too late, your image has been recorded.
Good point.

Personally I dislike the surveillance cameras that are popping up all over the place. I think they represent a restriction of my personal freedom...

Restricting your personal freedom? In what way? To do what?

... as well as a way for authorities to give the public a false sense of security,

I recall reading several times, several places where numerous nefarious people were stopped, felons caught, illegal acts thwarted, etc. That's a reasonable sense of security. Proven, as it were...

...and I object to both.

Yes, and you're certainly entitled to voice your opinion.
Isn't it a great world, where you can say any darned thing you want, without fear of retaliation from any quarter?

However, if a hobby photographers/artist/newsreporter wants to take my picture in public, I don't object one bit. I guess I prefer being seen by Little Brother, if you know what I mean...

- Toralf

Yessir, I do.
However, I see no danger from being "watched" by remote cameras, as I don't plan to ever do anything illegal!
If they catch me scratching my butt, i hope they have a good laugh!  ;-)

keith whaley

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