I installed Version 2.0 tonight. It was just as easy as the previous upgrade, but with seemingly much more benefit. The greyed-out Fn menu options is a helpful addition indeed. No more wondering why auto-flash doesn't work in 'P' mode (hint, in v2.0 that option is grayed out to reflect the fact that it's not really an option). The AF-C and AF-S mode selection is probably the most important and meaningful addition. This actually adds real-shooting functionality that was essentially missing (or severely crippled) in the earlier firmware versions. And putting Auto-ISO on the Fn menu is "where it belongs". The changes to the custom menu are helpful as well.

One thing I was hoping for that doesn't seem to be in the release is the linking of aperture and exposure when using K/M lenses. Since K/M lenses are only useful in M mode, why not make Av mode a "linked-aperture" mode. Set the lens at the aperture you want, put the dial on Av, hit the AE-L button while pointing at something. As it stops down to meter, it holds the *difference* between wide-open and stopped-down. Then, it will adjust the shutter speed if the light changes. If you move the aperture ring (or probably move off Av mode), you need to redo it. It would be more convenient than the AE-L button push *everytime*.

Still... the new AE-L feature is something that annoyed me with A lenses (and didn't even know it). Very nice addition.



* Cory Papenfuss                                                        *
* Electrical Engineering candidate Ph.D. graduate student               *
* Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University                   *

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