Lasse, Godfrey, Boris, Bob, Paul, Carlos, E.R.N., Perry Derby, Frank, Gonz, Jack, Tim, Gautam, Kenneth, Mishka, Shel, Joseph, Bob Shell, Cesar, Feroze and Bob W: First of all I want to truly thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for your kind words of support and encouragement and most of all your prayers for Nicole. It really means a lot to know that people really care and are willing to intercede for her healing.

She remains in the hospital this evening. They have run the gamut of tests since yesterday. EKG, blood work, spleen, thyroid, chest x-ray and CAT scan this afternoon all showing nothing abnormal. They still do not know what is wrong with her though. The infectious disease specialist was the last doctor today to examine her and his only take on it is that perhaps is some sort of viral infection. He said that he has seen a few patients recently with similar symptoms. Nicole looked better today, but was still suffering the headaches and her blood pressure still would drop pretty far when she stands up. They are going to keep her another night at least maybe have some sort of prognosis tomorrow. Now that they were able to rule several things out they were able to give her some pain medication so she was able to get some good rest tonight. We continue to remain faithful that her health will be fully restored. Though I don't actually had the pleasure of meeting any of you folks, I consider you all to be friends. Again, thank you for your prayers and encouragement. And may God bless you and your families.

Jay Taylor

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