Congratulation! Extremely nice textures and processing. Sepia is great
A small thing I suppose, but I especially like your close attention
paid to the borders.


--- Mark Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Some of you may have seen this in my collection of UK vacation photos
> from last summer. The Office of International Programs at Duquesne
> University, where I'm currently working on my masters degree, just
> had a
> photo contest and I won first prize with this one. I'm not sure if I
> get
> anything besides bragging rights but what the heck, maybe it'll look
> good on my resume!
> Notes:
> 1. Luddites rejoice! This was shot on FILM! (Pentax 645, Ilford HP5+)
> 2. I really do like the sepia toning, but the main reason I did it at
> the time was so I could print it at home: I haven't yet mastered the
> art
> of getting neutral monochrome reproduction out of my Epson 2200 and I
> hoped that the sepia tone would hide any slight color cast. It worked
> -
> the print looks great!
> 3. I was pleasantly surprised at the quality of the entries in the
> contest. Yes, there were a lot of "vacation snapshots" and a few
> really
> nice photos that were obviously the kind of lucky grab that we all
> got
> from time to time before we started doing photography "seriously",
> but
> there were several that were clearly the work of talented people. The
> one I thought should have won was by someone who did "people photos"
> of
> locals in various parts of the Caribbean. He or she had a knack for
> composition, a talent for getting people to be at ease when he
> photographed them and a natural eye for good light. Wish this stuff
> was
> on line so everyone could see it.
> -- 
> Mark Roberts
> Photography and writing

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