Mark Roberts wrote:

>Wondeful shot Mark!
>Gee why worry about the copyright notice?

I haven't put one on that photo yet but I usually do in order to
indicate.... wait for the answer here... who the copyright owner is.

>It's just a small .jpg.

Which is why I have no qualms about putting it on the web.

What I don't understand is the ridicule I received from you and at least one other on the list when I suggested that Pentax Canada did not follow the normal protocol I would have expected.

If you read my e-mails carefully, without jumping to conclusions, you would have noticed that I never once said I was personally concerned or suspicious about nefarious usage, or about copyright or ownership. I merely stated that it was unusual that it had not been mentioned in a formal manner.

And FWIW, let's not make any implications that I have qualms about putting something on the web. You know that I do, so why the distortion?

Tom C.

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