On 2/14/06, Boris Liberman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >
> > http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=4107177&size=lg
> Frank, I deliberately did not read the rest of the comments. Knowing
> that I am late I could do that, but I chose not to.
> I think it is fine photo, but the leftmost part of the frame is rather
> distracting. Given the ratio of 3:2, I think you could crop it to, say
> 4:3, without loosing much of hmmm, how to put it, being orthodox :-).
> Julia disagrees. She's saying that it shows the motion and the context...

Thanks for your comments, Boris.  You may have been late commenting,
but I was even later getting back to you (I'm just now catching up
after having fallen behind over the past week or so).

As far as the distractions on the left, well, first of all, I don't
crop unless absolutely necessary, and in this case, I didn't think it
was necessary.  You wouldn't necessarily know it, but this was taken
mid-December, and people were on their way home from Christmas
shopping, carrying bundles and bags of gifts.  The subway was crowded
and bustling.  So, the bag with the tube of gift wrap on the lower
left, along with the blurry coat on the upper left are part of what I
was trying to capture in the scene - the hustle and bustle of holiday
shoppers heading home, and, of course, this poor young mom, trying to
deal with her brood.  <g>

I don't know that those elements necessarily make it a better photo,
but they make it a more complete and accurate photo, for me.


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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