On 2/22/06, frank theriault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >
> Thanks for your comments, Boris.  You may have been late commenting,
> but I was even later getting back to you (I'm just now catching up
> after having fallen behind over the past week or so).
> As far as the distractions on the left, well, first of all, I don't
> crop unless absolutely necessary, and in this case, I didn't think it
> was necessary.  You wouldn't necessarily know it, but this was taken
> mid-December, and people were on their way home from Christmas
> shopping, carrying bundles and bags of gifts.  The subway was crowded
> and bustling.  So, the bag with the tube of gift wrap on the lower
> left, along with the blurry coat on the upper left are part of what I
> was trying to capture in the scene - the hustle and bustle of holiday
> shoppers heading home, and, of course, this poor young mom, trying to
> deal with her brood.  <g>
> I don't know that those elements necessarily make it a better photo,
> but they make it a more complete and accurate photo, for me.

Oh, BTW, Boris, I wan't trying to criticize your comment, nor was I
trying to say that you're wrong to think what you may think, I was
just giving my side of the story, and explaining why I did things the
way I did.  I may very well be wrong (probably am <g>).

cheers again,

"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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