frank theriault wrote:

Nice. The shadow and resonse of the subject make it interesting. Did said 
subject complain?

No, I was actually quite surprised;  he didn't say a thing.  I was
sitting by the payphone just waiting for people to pass by, so I could
get a few with people and the phone.  Most either didn't notice me, or
ignored me.  He's the only one who reacted, but didn't say a thing,
just walked on by.

This phone is across from the The Queen Street Mental Health Centre,
formerly called the  Toronto Asylum for the Insane (back in the bad
old days).  It's quite a large facility, and many of the outpatients
live in local rooming houses;  it makes for a rather colourful local
population.  Of course, I don't know for sure that this fellow has any
connection with that facility, but my guess is, he did.

Or maybe he didnt, but thought you did.  ;)


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

Someone handed me a picture and said, "This is a picture of me when I was younger." Every picture of you is when you were younger. "...Here's a picture of me when I'm older." Where'd you get that camera man?
- Mitch Hedberg

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