Jostein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>From: "frank theriault" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> "We are all atheists about most of the gods that societies have 
>>> ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further."
>>> -- Richard Dawkins
>> Is that the same Richard Dawkins who used to be on Hogans Heroes, 
>> and then hosted the American game show Family Feud?  Or am I 
>> thinking of Richard Dawson?  Hmmm...
>Richard Dawkins is a biologist and a renowned scientific writer. He 
>stirred up the scientific community in 1976 with a book called "the 
>selfish gene", where he argued that the gene was the basic unit of 
>natural selection, not the individual. He regarded individuals as mere 
>vehicles for the genes.
>He later modified his views in the book "the blind watchmaker".

Both those books are wonderful examples of "scientific writing for
normal people" done well! But his latest, "The Ancestor's Tale" is even
better, in terms of readability. It's a book to keep and read over and
over it's so enjoyable.
Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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