Hi Mark
I agree with Jack and the small size of the pictures does not show them at
their best.
Do you want them to look "old"?

>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Jack Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 6:56 PM
>>To: pentax-discuss@pdml.net
>>Subject: Re: GESO: vineyard project
>>Dark barren images have a foreboding feeling to me that may mask the
>>intended message. On my monitor, the color images are very flat and
>>pale as well. It's not necessarily an unappealing look and may lend
>>itself to a desired sense of "old world" or "aged".
>>Best of luck with the project.
>>--- Mark Erickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> All,
>>> I'm working on some images of local vineyards areas (Clarksburg, El
>>> Dorado,
>>> and Shenandoah Valley AVAs).  I'm doing a fair bit of digital
>>> darkroom work
>>> and all of the pics in the gallery are "work prints" (i.e., I'm not
>>> done
>>> with them yet).  The first three images are were taken last month on
>>> a
>>> bright sunny-cloudy day in between rainstorms.  The vineyards are
>>> mostly
>>> bare at this time and I'm trying to convey a certain stark, spare
>>> feeling.
>>> The last image was taken last fall right around harvest time and
>>> shows an El
>>> Dorado vineyard fully leafed out.
>>> http://www.westerickson.net/vineyard/
>>> Please feel free to provide comments and directions you might take
>>> the
>>> images.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Mark
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