I have no personal experience with the A* 200 macro, only the A* 100.
I've, however, read some good reviews.
Personally, I prefer to manually focus when doing macro work. It
tolerates my hyper-selective penchant to fuss with the scene without
fighting me.


--- Sylwester Pietrzyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I asked a few questions about FA* 200/4 macro which was in stock in
> Poland a
> few days ago. I went there today unfortunately in store it turned out
> to be
> "only" A* 200/4 macro. As I wanted good performance at longer
> distances in
> such a lens and A* users told me that it is not as good as FA*
> version so I
> resigned. But in the same store I bought FA* 85/1.4 brand new at 70%
> of its
> normal price in Europe ;-) So it wasn't that bad. But this A* 200/4
> macro
> was so beautiful that I will keep my eye on it and think seriously
> about
> next enablement :-)
> -- 
> Balance is the ultimate good...
> Best Regards
> Sylwek

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