> Yes, void is an English word that can be used as a verb or noun. A
> void is an empty space, to void something is to zero or empty it.

Good to know , thanks !

> What you're doing with a move or delete on flash memory is almost
> invariably simply voiding the file entry in the FAT directory
> structure, not writing zeros to every location that the file occupied
> on the media. Even a format instruction to most flash memory drivers
> simply deletes the FAT tables and recreates them after checking for
> bad blocks, specifically to minimize writes to the media and prolong
> its life. In most flash memory implementations of mass storage
> drivers, the only way to write to locations on the media is to
> specifically use the file write instructions.

Yes I figured that which is why I implied it would be a write but a
pretty simple one, really.
Anyway, looking at the time it takes to format a card (being in the
card reader on in the camera) there is no way it could be full format.

> Formatting is best done with the camera or other device that is going
> to use the media as that way you are ensured that the specific
> foibles of that device's FAT implementation are expressed correctly
> in bad block analysis and FAT structure creation. Deleting, however,
> is rarely a problem as all the host device is doing is calling a
> standard function to void that FAT entry, which uses the existing
> structure.

Yes I know it is more secure to format with the camera. But as I
didn't have any problem (so far) I prefer that way.

> Godfrey
*ist-D,Z1,SFXn,SuperA,KX,MX, P30t and KR-10x ...

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